Listening Tip - How to raise your band score by 1.0 point
Do you know how many questions you need to answer correctly to raise your band score by 1.0 in the LISTENING EXAM? Sometimes the...

QUIZ - How much do YOU know about the IELTS exam?
Take the quiz and find out how much YOU know about the IELTS exam. Post your results in the comments section or on Facebook. Click here...

Do you read an article a day in English? Do you read articles which are similar to IELTS texts? Do you learn new vocabulary daily? Do you...

Vocabulary Building - Collocations
Collocations are powerful tools which anyone can use to improve both their speaking and writing skills. IELTS examiners pay close...

Grammar- The Power of Parallel Structure
THIS IS MY first BLOG in a series about the POWER of PARALLEL STRUCTURE Parallel Structure is a powerful tool. If you master the skill...