IELTS Listening Checklist for self-study
Listening can be the easiest skill to teach but also the hardest skill to learn. In fact, it isn't really an easy skill to teach many ESL...

The POWER of Parallel Structure , part 2
As i said before, PARALLEL STRUCTURE is a POWERFUL TOOL to use for both Speaking and Writing. If you can master the skill of using...

Writing task 1 - How Reading can help your Writing score
HI... Today I am going to talk about something i encourage my students to do: READ THE NEWS! In fact, I have often given my students a...

Who do YOU practice speaking English with?
Who do YOU practice speaking English with? a friend? someone in your family? someone at work or school? It's important to practice...

IELTS WRITING - Which is more difficult: task 1 or task 2?
In your opinion, which is more difficult, WRITING TASK 1 or TASK 2? PLEASE VOTE. LET ME KNOW. To see IELTS writing questions, click here:...

IELTS reading - Matching Headings and Evil Tricks!
IELTS READING - MATCHING HEADINGS Why do students find this difficult? Well, let’s face it. The main reason is that these questions may...

Which part of the IELTS exam is most difficult for YOU?
You can choose more than one answer. CLICK here for a FREE IELTS SPEAKING CLASS Just like the real exam. CLICK here for a FREE WRITING...